Monday 4 May 2009

Evaluation!Radio Dave Evaluation.

Radio Dave Evaluation.

The Stories at Six program we made, uses the idea of a news program which appeals to younger people and yet delivers the news to all listeners in a format, that is meant to be fast, and attention grabbing.
It develops the idea of news stories, with the most important, in this case, the story with deaths taking the top headline.
As Radio Dave is a local station, we have first national news, then items of important or interesting local news.
We made up our own jingle, which is quite an instant piece of music, but was also meant to attract attention.
The vox pops we did were taken from a selection of different people, age groups and view points.

I think that this project represents various social groups, from the young (commenting on the 24 hour bar) to concerned listeners wanting more information on the train crash.
You also have listeners who may be from the older age groups, who are interested in the developments regarding the 24 hour bar opening, and the possible closing down of the local BBC radio station.
With our story on the Russian affair, we also covered the group of people, who are interested in politics, and at the same time, with our foreign correspondent, we made the story more understandable for a wider audience, and more accessible and interesting for those, who either do not have an understanding of politics, or who just have little interest in such matters.
For example, the people on the vox pop were represented by age, and sex and opinion.

The type of institutions which may choose to distribute this program would be radio stations such as:
BBC radio one, Six Music, or One xtra. Or alternatively, by most main stream commercial radio stations, who are generally aiming at a younger audience.
This is due in part, to the way that the product is presented. It is fairly rapidly spoken, and covered a range of stories, some of which would appeal to slightly older people, and some which would more directly affect the younger generation.
Also, younger sounding people were used to do some of the recording, which may give the program more appeal to a younger audience.
The way in which the program was scripted would have more than likely helped to attract a younger listenership. The language used, was mainly simple, understandable English, that neither aimed at the less optimally brained people, or the overly clever either.

We were aiming at an audience of about 16-40 year olds, which is why the delivery of the product was done in the way it was. We felt we needed to keep it lively, but make the content at such a level that it was neither condescending nor too over the top.

I think that we did a good job of attracting an audience, and from the feed back we received, it seemed clear to me that the program was interesting, lively and made you want to listen, as it was not long winded, and there were elements of humor involved to lighten the mood.

I now have more of an understanding of editing techniques and what is the best thing to do as for what to keep and how to structure the final project.
Dave did a lot of the editing, but eventually I felt that I was able to edit confidently, and with accuracy, quality and including the right materials.
I also had a good time learning to use the digital recorder and the best position to have the recorder while doing interviews.

I think the most important thing that I learned in the progression from one task to the other, is that time isn’t wasted if you are using it well.
In my first project, I just messed around and put it all together last minute, but with the amount of material Dave and I collected, it was necessary, maybe even essential that we could both trust in each others decision making and choices for material.
I think also that with the way we produced this product, we created a narrative, which was both easy to follow, but at the same time, conveyed the meaning of the stories we were running.

Monday 9 March 2009

rapid rock script.

Rapid Rock Script.
(Station Name Tag and jingle.)
Presenter. “On todays show, we have an interview with Robert Ruffles.” (Archive clip) This clip will include a short quote, which made him famous in the late eighty’s as a rock god. “You don’t have to be mean to no the Green.”
Then, question and answer with guest.

Just made to show that I have the capabilities.

train crash report.Train crash.

Presnters Script

Stories at 6

(Play Jingle)
Good evening and welcome to Stories at 6 on Radio Dave
(Dip jingle over headlines)
Top Headlines this evening:
A Train has crashed just outside Birmingham New Street. Our reporter at the scene has been told that over 40 people have died, and more than 60 injured.. Nicolas Sarkozi challenges Vladimir Putin to a duel at Geneva banquet in dispute over Russian Gas supplies. Gordon Brown announces his intention visit to Lords for the first ashes test next Thursday with a competition winner. At a BBC Listeners Forum in Hereford yesterday BBC Director General Mark Thompson, announced that the BBC was considering cutting Local Services to save money which could lead to closure of BBC Hereford and Worcester. Local colleges announce plans to join together to create a rival for Worcester university. And Herefords first 24 hour bar opens.

Good evening, a train has crashed about 2 miles outside of Birmingham New Street Station, causing heavy delays and cancellations for services to Sheffield and Manchester, Hereford and services through to wales. This is causing disruption to commuters travelling out of Birmingham. Our Traveling Travel Correspondent Steve Markham is live at the scene of the incident.
Hello Steve, what is the current situation do we know what the current death toll is?
(Cut to Birmingham New Street, sirens and heavy machinery in the background)
Well, i'm standing at the site of the train crash, which has happened about 5 miles outside Birmingham.
I managed to get a quick word with the police officer in charge here, who told me that there were already 44 confirmed dead and 65 injured 24 of which are serious, making this the worst train incident in the last 20 years I'm hoping to get another update on the casualties later for you here on Dave.
Do we know what the cause of this incident is?
The cause of this incident is currently unknown, weather conditions were fine, and tracks had just been re-laid. Emergency services are looking into the causes of the crash and initially expect that trains won’t be running for at least the next 24hrs.
(Cut back to Studio)
Thanks Steve. We will bring you more updates on that as they come in.

Tension between Russia and the West has increased after an incident at a UN conference in Brussels yesterday, where French President Nicolas Sarkozi is alleged to have challenged Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to a fist fight during a debate about Russian Gas Supplies to the West.
At a Kremlin Press Conference the Russian Foreign Minister Ludmilla Ivanova made a strong statement: (English translation over Russian)
“My Government is outraged at the behaviour of President Sarkoz. We believe that his behaviour was unnecessarily aggressive and quite unacceptable for a Head of State. We cannot reach a trade agreement about energy supplies if we are forced to break off diplomatic relations.”

In the Studio with us is our Foreign Correspondent, Reginald Blogger. Reginald, what impact do you think this will have on the UK?
“Potentially this is very serious. Any disruption to French Gas Supplies will automatically affect the UK. Downing Street are also dismayed at Mr Sarkozi’s behaviour and possibly Gordon Brown will put pressure on him to apologise.”
Ludmilla Ivanova is a new face in Russian politics, what do we know of her?

“Well, it is believed that she rose up through the Russian Secret Service and commands the ear of Putin himself. Kremlin insiders think that she might even bid for the leadership in the next Russian election.”
Thanks Reggie.

Downing Street has announced the winner of the PM’s sporting day out this morning.
Brian Green, aged 14 from Little Snoring in Norfolk, has won the opportunity to take a trip out with Gordon Brown to the cricket.
“Well I think it’s a great idea, it gives me a chance to meet with the younger generation”.
Brian, who developed a life threatening brain tumour, has had groundbreaking surgery and is now on his way to gaining 5 GCSE’s at his local school.
He said he was really glad to get the chance to meet the prime minister and that he loves cricket.

BBC Hereford and Worcester might be in a bit of trouble after Director General Mark Thompson made it public that the BBC were considering the closure of Local Radio Stations all over the UK. They have been struggling over the past few months with falling ratings and bad listener reviews, Mark Thompson said that he feels ‘it is a waste of money to keep failing Local Services running if people aren’t listening to them’. There was some support for keeping the station broadcasting, but the majority of listeners at the forum felt the same way, as it is the public that pay for these services through the license and felt that it was a waste of their money.

The RNC and HCT have today released plans to join up and create a Hereford Univercity.
In a press release this morning issued by the Royal national college for the blind, they said that they were looking into the possibility of keeping the college open for VI students and looking at combining with HCT to create a bigger and better variety of qualifications for Hereford students.
We can now speak to the principal of HCT.
“Thank you for taking the time to speak to us this evening. What are you hoping to achieve by joining up with the RNC?”
“Well, at the moment it is only in the planning stages but if it comes off, we hope to maintain the quality support the RNC currently provides to the VI community in FE,
“Thank you for that.”
In a statement released by RNC this morning, they confirmed that there was a possibility of the two college’s joining up, but stressed that at this minute in time, there commitment was to their current learners.

Herefords first 24 hour bar opens in town.
We did an opinion pole earlier about this, and here is what some local people thought about it.

News Scripts for radio show.

News scripts.

Train crash near Birmingham.

Good evening, news is coming in on a train crash just outside Birmingham Newstreet. Now over to our live reporter.
Goes to sounds of sirens and distressed human noises.
“Yes, thanks Dave. I have just arrived here at the scene of the crash. The train is completely off the rails and all of the windows are broken. The first 2 coaches are hard to tell apart.
It happened less than 20 minutes ago, it was the service from Cardiff.
The emergency services have said that there are already 32 dead and 56 injured.
Back to you in the studio.”

Russian president offends French chancelor.

Relations between Russia and France are gradually getting worse, according to the French embacy in London today.
The French ambasidor gave the following statement to the press.
“After the disgraceful behaviour of the Russian president towards our chancelor, and the refusal to back down or oppologise, and then the vailed threats they are making we have had no option but too cut all tie’s with Russia.”

Brown for the ashes.

Downing street has anounced the winner of the PM’s sporting day out this morning.
Paul Green, aged 14 from Oxford, has won the opportunity to take a trip out with Gorden Brown to the cricket.
Paul, who was born with a sevier brain tumer, has had groundbreaking surgery and is now on his way to gaining 5 GCSE’s at school.
He said he was really glad to get the chance to meet the prime minister and that he loves the cricket.

Local news.

Local colleges anounce plans to join together to create another rival for Worcester univercity.

The RNC and HCT have today released plans to join up and create a Hereford Univercity.
In a press release this morning issued by the Royal national college for the blind, they said that they were looking into the possibility of keeping the college open for VI students and looking at combining with HCT to create a bigger and better variety of qualifications for Hereford students.
We can now speak to the principal of HCT.
“Thank you for taking the time to speak to us this evening. What are you hoping to achieve by joining up with the RNC?”
“Well, at the moment it is only in the planning stages but if it comes off, we hope to maintain the quality support the RNC currently provides to the VI community in FE, but also in HE. To intigrate VI students with the fully sighted community and to give all students a great chance to achieve to the best of their ability.”
“Thank you again.”

The BBC is having an open debate about the future of BBC H n W due to cut backs and falling ratings.

We gather from the radio surveys, we now have %20 more listeners than BBC H N W.

Herefords first 24 hour bar opens in town.
Pole of yes and no.

Entertainment News.

To be decided.

our brief.

Steve and Dave.

Radio name: Radio Dave.
Covering: Herefordshire.
Audience: 18-40.
Genre: informative news, local and antional. Plus music and sports updates.
Time spot: 6 PM.
Show name: stories at six.
Run time: 1 hr 30 mins.
Jingle: already done.


Top headlines.
Train crash in Birmingham newstreet.
Gorden Brown announces intended visit to Lords for the first ashes test next Thursday.
Relations between France and Germany reach further because of Germany’s recent troop movements towards the French border.

Local news.

Local colleges anounce plans to join together to create another rival for Worcester univercity.
The BBC is having an open debate about the future of BBC H n W due to cut backs and falling ratings.
Herefords first 24 hour bar opens in town.

Funny items.

An elephant escaped from london zoo last night, but has been found, due to lack of clothing. I heard he told a reporter, he’d forgotten to pack his trunk.
Man asked to leave local bar after it was decided that his gnome was not old enough to be there, and couldn’t give proff of age.

End of our thing now over too…

blogger check.

I think i should do this check cos i can.