Monday 9 March 2009

rapid rock script.

Rapid Rock Script.
(Station Name Tag and jingle.)
Presenter. “On todays show, we have an interview with Robert Ruffles.” (Archive clip) This clip will include a short quote, which made him famous in the late eighty’s as a rock god. “You don’t have to be mean to no the Green.”
Then, question and answer with guest.

Just made to show that I have the capabilities.

1 comment:

Brother Paul said...

Strictly speaking, this should have been posted first, although I appreciate you have had difficulties with accessing Blogger.

Who are the audience for RR? What's the time slot? Who is Robert Ruffles? Why does this catch-phrase, if that is what is, resonate with the 80s listener? What will the question be?

You have all the edited material but we need it on CD
(or mp3'd to this blog) to make up 15% of the mark.