Monday 9 March 2009

News Scripts for radio show.

News scripts.

Train crash near Birmingham.

Good evening, news is coming in on a train crash just outside Birmingham Newstreet. Now over to our live reporter.
Goes to sounds of sirens and distressed human noises.
“Yes, thanks Dave. I have just arrived here at the scene of the crash. The train is completely off the rails and all of the windows are broken. The first 2 coaches are hard to tell apart.
It happened less than 20 minutes ago, it was the service from Cardiff.
The emergency services have said that there are already 32 dead and 56 injured.
Back to you in the studio.”

Russian president offends French chancelor.

Relations between Russia and France are gradually getting worse, according to the French embacy in London today.
The French ambasidor gave the following statement to the press.
“After the disgraceful behaviour of the Russian president towards our chancelor, and the refusal to back down or oppologise, and then the vailed threats they are making we have had no option but too cut all tie’s with Russia.”

Brown for the ashes.

Downing street has anounced the winner of the PM’s sporting day out this morning.
Paul Green, aged 14 from Oxford, has won the opportunity to take a trip out with Gorden Brown to the cricket.
Paul, who was born with a sevier brain tumer, has had groundbreaking surgery and is now on his way to gaining 5 GCSE’s at school.
He said he was really glad to get the chance to meet the prime minister and that he loves the cricket.

Local news.

Local colleges anounce plans to join together to create another rival for Worcester univercity.

The RNC and HCT have today released plans to join up and create a Hereford Univercity.
In a press release this morning issued by the Royal national college for the blind, they said that they were looking into the possibility of keeping the college open for VI students and looking at combining with HCT to create a bigger and better variety of qualifications for Hereford students.
We can now speak to the principal of HCT.
“Thank you for taking the time to speak to us this evening. What are you hoping to achieve by joining up with the RNC?”
“Well, at the moment it is only in the planning stages but if it comes off, we hope to maintain the quality support the RNC currently provides to the VI community in FE, but also in HE. To intigrate VI students with the fully sighted community and to give all students a great chance to achieve to the best of their ability.”
“Thank you again.”

The BBC is having an open debate about the future of BBC H n W due to cut backs and falling ratings.

We gather from the radio surveys, we now have %20 more listeners than BBC H N W.

Herefords first 24 hour bar opens in town.
Pole of yes and no.

Entertainment News.

To be decided.

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